Advice For Travellers

Here you will find useful information about vaccinations and other general travel advice. You will also find links to the most up to date travel information from governing bodies.

If you are planning on travelling to another country it is really important to check the government website for recent travel updates. We would also recommend accessing the foreign and commonwealth website to ensure it is safe to travel to your destination and that you take out comprehensive insurance. It’s important to check with your provider to see whether your policy is covered according to government recommendations. 

image depicting travel vaccinations

For more country specific information you can access the Travel Health Pro website or the Fit For Travel website. Both of these websites give you detailed information about food, hygiene, vaccinations, recommendations, current outbreaks, sun protection and any other general travel advice for your holiday destination.

If you are set to go away make sure that you complete an online submission to contact us with a view to making an appointment for your travel immunisations with one of our nurses at least 6-8 weeks before you plan to fly.

If you require any vaccines that are not offered on the NHS, as listed below, you will need to go to one of the local private pharmacies. These include:

  • Boots Pharmacy
  • Dalton Square pharmacy

The following vaccinations are provided free of charge:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Combined Hepatitis A and B
  • Typhoid
  • Combined Hepatitis A and typhoid
  • Tetanus, diphtheria and polio given as combined vaccine

Holiday Cancellation Certificate £63.00


Other Useful Links

Here are some other useful links to websites you may find helpful when planning a trip abroad:


Diazepam for Fear of Flying

A Guide for Patients


Why we no longer prescribe Diazepam for flying

The manufacturer of Diazepam specifically recommends AGAINST using diazepam for fear of flying. This means that if your doctor prescribes diazepam for fear of flying, he takes full responsibility for any consequences. These could be severe and is therefore not a risk your doctor is willing to take.


Please read the following concerns about using Diazepam for flying:

  • Medicines like diazepam cause longer reaction times and slowed thinking.  In an emergency situation on board an aircraft it is critical that passengers are able to follow the instructions of cabin crew and evacuate QUICKLY. Modern aircraft are designed to be evacuated in around 90 seconds.  If you are under the influence of Diazepam you may not be able to do this, ultimately putting the life of you and other passengers at risk
  • Medicines like Diazepam cause you to sleep in a particular way that puts you at increased risk of blood clots (also known as deep vein thrombosis, DVT, or pulmonary embolisms, PEs), which you are already at a slightly increased risk of on an aeroplane
  • Diazepam can reduce the amount of oxygen in your body. Flying also has this effect. The effect of flying alone is harmless but when both effects are combined this can put you at increased risk of death, particularly if you already have Asthma, COPD or any other conditions affecting your breathing
  • In very rare cases, Diazepam can make people agitated and aggressive. This is potentially very dangerous within the confines of an aircraft in the sky
  • Some countries, particularly in the Middle East have banned medicines like Diazepam. This means that you will be committing a criminal offence if you take Diazepam into the country. You will therefore only be able to take it on the way there and may find yourself stuck on the way back
  • Diazepam is highly addictive and there is some evidence emerging of a link between Diazepam use and Dementia in later life.

Courses to overcome your fear of flying are widely available and we would strongly encourage this instead of Diazepam. Some providers can be found as follows: